Monday, May 17, 2010

i'm so trouble now~

At Snips salon 5 months~

i'm so trouble now~~why?because now i just thinking i'm got a liitle bit regreat to leave it snips salon~i just know it is when i came the snips salon,i'm what things also dunno~is they just teaching me so many things~i really want to thank you to you all teaching me so many things...i want to leave it the reason is i want to cut more i alerady find it a salon can cut hair`~~but ,i unlucky is let people to fire me`~~i just remember that is i at snips cut a customer hair is very all just dont let me to cut hair...wanna me do a shampoo boy~~~no fire me...and then teaching me so many things...i also remmeber when i 1st time come work...wash hair let people to complain so many things~you all never put me a side~~~expecially is "JUNE POH,KENNIS,SUNNY AND CAMMY~~thx you all teaching me so many things...but..maybe i will let you all so dissipointeed with you all~SORRY~~~tecahing me so many things is JUNE POH~she always give me a chance to learn more things...but~i know my mistake is dislike to listen you all give me comment...then will be do wrong~~~if i now want to come back also is a wrong~~~becasue you all already dislike me and disspointeed with me already~~~i'm so sorry~that day in sunday~~~when i go to cheras apt~~~i feel it is not good for me...because i already feel it snips look like a relaxing big family...look like the feel is good...CAMMY also let me to eat more things...and then we eat things also eat together~~~that feel is so hard to said it...but never mind la...i already leave it this salon~~~also can know it so many product to use....i'm so happy in snips salon can learn it this all things.... I want said it is that's all....